Client Review on Trustwave, Inc


Overly complex Service. As a small business owner I find the service complex and cumbersome. My merchant service company automatically signed me up and them made me start paying fees. I tried to get through the vetting process and dis although I have know idea how. You basically need to have a cyber security degree to even begin to make sense of it all. I was supposed to have my merchant accountant combined so I did not have to go through the vetting twice but after countless emails, phone calls, and promises one account is good to go but the other I an still being charge a NON_COMPLIANCE fee for. How id that even possible if both accounts are supposed to be combined and one is good. Obviously the accounts are not combined 3 month later. The i get a CRAZY email saying I have to waste more of my time to make sure I do not fall out of compliance. All this for a small business that has NEVER had a merchant account fraud issue or charge back in 20 years. the email they sent me list a support pone number that is wrong and when I try to log into my account it says my credential are wrong the the reset password feature is BROKE. I could go on and on but these folks just do not care anyways.

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