Client Review on Capitol City Loan


So I'm going to be as straight forward as possible.I have not bought or sold anything in this place in the last 5 years. However what I do remember of this store is friendly staff and most seemed to be knowledgeable about coins, guns etc. The store was clean and while cluttered is was presentable.Now to all the people that flame this place for the purchase prices of used stuff and buying your stuff.Keep this in mind, the owner has to pay rent, utilities, employee wages along with almost 50% of what thoses employees earn hourly for workers comp and unemployment insurance. Along with a bunch of other burdens of doing business.Now of course their has to be a good profit in it for the owner or why the hell would the man do it in the 1st place.Its a pawn shop people lol. You buy low and sell high when possible. Everything is open to the bartering process. From what you sell to what you buy is all open to negotiations.Low ball prices are the norm at any pawn shop world wide. The question I assume the owner must ask is, how long is this iteam I bought going to be sitting on my shelf before I see a return ? Is it going to lose value like tech stuff or can it appercate in value like sports cards coins etc. Point is that its a risk for the owners of any business. They are hedging against the future.Theirs is always the internet for buying and selling stuff. I've had mixed success using the net for barter and trade. I personally find it rewarding and entertaining to barter with these guys and others including non pawn shops. Think new or used vehicles,dirt bikes,atvs etc.Do you always pay full sticker price ???If so I have some real nice ocean front property to sell you in carson city lol.

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