Client Review on Stone, Rudolph & Henry PLC


Not up front, cant trust. My wife called to set up an appointment. We usually use HR Block and were tired of paying for questionable expertise. We were usually paying $300+ for our returns.Called these guys, they said "we dont know how much it will cost, but we can't do it for less than $275. My wife said, "no thanks, we found a place that can do it for $200."They called back an hour later and said "you caught us off guard when you said you found someone for $200. We can do it for that much, we have an appt at 3:00pm."Nope. Sorry. How many people have you been dishonest with to squeeze every last penny out of. Or if you are that cheap, go with that, it would give you a lot more business if you are honest with people. Dont recommend. We went with Franklin Luppe in Pleasant View. Thorough, fair, and honest.$200 bucks.

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