Client Review on Southern Auto Finance Company, LLC


Do yourself a huge favor and stay away from this company. They are vultures preying on the weak people. You are better off buying a "transportation" until you can get a serious company to make business with. Do not fall for the trap between the "Finance Guy" and SAFCO. That finance guy is not your friend if he/she is selling you to finance with this company. Worst of the worst. They should be banned from doing business. Mantenganse lo mas alejado posible de esta compañia, son extremadamente abusivos, aves de rapiña , te ofreceran el peor negocio que puedas encontrar. Si el Financista te ofrece negocios con SAFCO, simplemente levantate y vete de ese dealer. Esta compañia deberian prohibirle hacer negocios. Ladrones Profesionales

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