Client Reviews on Banca Comerciala Romana S.A.

    • 2.2
  • 5 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Vladi P Oct 17, 2017


Most helpful critical review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Izsakhár Efraim Oct 17, 2019



(Translated by Google) It would be good if BCR put more emphasis on communicating Hungarian clients in their mother tongue. The banking sector in Romania is already saturated, it is not enough to come up with good quotes and favorable options. In this respect, OTP Bank and Transilvania Bank are much ahead. I hope the BCR will change over time as well.The building, by the way, was designed by Gyula Sándy, a Budapest architect with colorful facades (tulip flowers). It is a relatively tall, towering, Art Nouveau building on the corner of Baross Gábor (Horea) Street. The construction after the turn of the century was led by architect Lajos Bustya. Initially it was home to the Agrarian Bank, then a restaurant, and later a political organization. From 1992 it was taken over by the Commercial Bank.(Original)Jó lenne ha a BCR nagyobb hangsúlyt fektetne a magyar ügyfelek anyanyelvükön való kommunikációjára. A bankszektor Romániában már telített, nem elegendő már jó árajánlattal, kedvező opciókkal előállni. Ilyen szempontból az OTP Bank és Transilvania Bank sokkal előbbre vannak. Remélem a BCR is időben változtatni fog ilyen téren.Az épületet egyébként Sándy Gyula budapesti műépítész tervezte színes homlokzatú, díszítéssel (tulipános virágminták). Tömegében egy viszonylag magas, tornyos, szecessziós épület, a Baross Gábor (Horea) utca sarkán. A századforduló utáni építkezést Bustya Lajos építész vezette. Kezdetben az Agrár Banknak, majd vendéglőnek, később politikai szervezeteknek adott otthont. 1992-tõl a Kereskedelmi Bank vette át.


(Translated by Google) Today, May 30, 2018, I had the "luck" to get to this branch of the bank. I got the order number at the no. 1 (not to use the name of the employee). If the bank is interested in criticism and opinion, I can check who it is.That lady seemed to be in the park talking to her colleague. Though she knew they were waiting clients, she did not do anything at all, she moved in a resumption. What's more, between two more customers, change some phrases instead of taking the next number.(Original)Azi, 30.05.2018 am avut" norocul "sa ajung la aceasta filiala a bancii. Am primit numar de ordine la ghiseul nr. 1 ( ca sa nu folosesc numele angajatei ). Daca cei de la banca sunt interesati de critici si pareri, pot verifica despre cine e vorba. Doamna respectiva parca era in parc la povesti cu colega ei. Desi stia ca erau clienti care asteptau, ea nu isi dadea silinta deloc, se misca in reluare. Ba mai mult, intre doi clienti mai tragea de timp ,mai schimba cateva fraze in loc sa ia la rand numarul urmator.


(Translated by Google) For all my shame it happened twice to wait more than 40 minutes. For a simple rate and the peak is that there were no more than 4-5 people in front of me.(Original)De toata rușinea mi sa întâmplat de doua ori sa aștept mai mult de 40 min.pentru o simpla rata și culmea este că nici în fața mea nu erau mai mult de 4-5 pers.


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