Client Review on NVMS, Inc.


Yes some information is incorrect on the website about the time frame of getting paid. If you talk to your Rep that you work with they will explain that you have a 60 day waiting period before you get paid for the first time but after that you should get a check or direct deposit every Monday with the remittance coming out on Thursdays. As long as you do the jobs correctly the first time and in a timely manner, no one should have a problem getting paid. If you have questions about anything with the work, contact your Rep. I myself was a little disappointed when I finally found out about the pay but once I knew, I either had to accept their terms or not work for them. That is your choice. My Rep in Virginia has been a pleasure to work with. I help her out and in return she helps me out. Communication is probably the most important aspect in this field of business. We ALL have to work together to make this line of business work. Without US, they are nothing and without them WE are nothing.

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