Client Reviews on Kampungstay Desa Murni

    • 4.2
  • 41 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Nsue SweetKitchen Jan 01, 1970


Most helpful critical review

0 people found the following review helpful

By robbi ramli Jan 01, 1970



(Translated by Google) This kg.Stay has already arrived once in March this year. There we celebrated 1st family day. Stay for 2 nights. Booking 3 houses, you have no idea what the name of the house is, but it is definitely 2 traditional and 1 modern house. It's a traditional wooden house. The homestay was comfortable and clean, well kept. There is also a kitchen and an fridge. We went there with ready-to-eat supplies as well as bbq frying pan. It was very easy for us to heat up the supply. We also booked for bbq sets for bbq that night. We also enjoy it there, especially for the children because the large swimming pool is right in front of the house. From dawn to dusk, water goes by. The pool is clean and clear. Only 1 was a bit frusty as there was no field nearby for us to play sports. We had to walk about 700 meters to play sports. Want to bring a different kind of car, plus a village road. Being close to a homestay is much easier because we have lots of items and gifts for sporting purposes. There is actually only one area for small sports in front of the homestay. But it's not suitable for many family day celebrations. N is one more race when so many groups come once. That's just my review of Stay Village Pure Village. Want to buy a picture without seeing it. This picture is in the field.(Original)Kat kg.Stay ni dah pernah sampai sekali pada bulan Mac tahun ni. Kat sana kami buat sambutan 1st family day. Stay untuk 2 malam. Booking 3 biji rumah, tp lupa dah apa nama jenis rumah tu,tapi yang pasti 2 rumah traditional dan 1 rumah moden. Rumah traditional tu rumah kayu la. Homestay tu agak selesa dan bersih,juga kemas. Ada dapur juga dan peti ais. Kami ke sana dengan bawa bekalan siap masak dan juga lauk perapan untuk bbq. Amat memudahkan untuk kami panaskan balik bekalan tersebut. Kami juga booking untuk bbq set untuk bbq malam tersebut. Kami enjoy juga la kat sana, terutamanya kanak-kanak sebab kolam renang yang agak luas memang betul-betul dihadapan rumah. Dari pagi sampai maghrib main air je diorang. Air kolamnya pun bersih dan jernih. Cuma 1 yang agak frust sebab tiada padang yang berdekatan untuk kami main sukaneka. Kami kena berjalan dalam 700meter lebih kurang untuk bermain sukaneka. Nak bawa kereta macam serba salah pulak, tambah lagi jalan kampung. Kalau berdekatan dengan homestay kan lebih senang sebab kami banyak barang dan hadiah untuk kegunaan sukaneka. Sebenarnya memang ada hanya 1 kawasan untuk sukaneka kecil2 dihadapan homestay.bawah khemah. Tapi tak sesuai untuk sambutan family day yang ramai. N lagi satu berebut la kalau ramai2 group yang datang sekali. Itu saja review saya untuk Kampung Stay Desa Murni. Nak belanja gambar tak jumpa pulak. Gambar kat padang ni je ada.


The buildings itself are wooden. So expect the hot temperature during the daylight even with the fully blast aircond.


Best place for peace ever


I love this place..peace,balmy and green


(Translated by Google) The best of this homestay. Service is excellent. Quiet jee feeling tido(Original)Terbaik homestay ni. Service sangat terbaik. Tenang jee rase tido


(Translated by Google) Beautiful place. (Original) Cantik tempatnya.


(Translated by Google) Interesting, to enjoy and enjoy.(Original)Menarik,utk bsantai bsama klrga.


Kampung View with pool for kidZ


Very nice


(Translated by Google) Second time around for family .. Best Moms .. But homestay may be able to make friendly route especially for wheelchair guests ..(Original)Kali kedua dtg untuk buat family.. Mmg terbaik.. Tapi pihak homestay mungkin boleh buat laluan yang mesra OKU terutama bagi tetamu yang berkerusi roda..

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