Client Review on Home Federal Bank of TN


If there was a way to rate negative 10, I would look for the negative 11 button. Where do I begin? Proving to every hero in the world that the Power of Attorney papers you carry around really are legit (because the notary stamping and county clerk bar coding on every single page just aren't convincing) then corralling your aging parents' finances, medical needs (including the ER bills that finally convinced them that they are NOT doing just fine), move to assisted living, sale of home, and your own fulltime employment and family... well, what you really don't need during all that is the ABJECT OBSTRUCTIONISM that is personified by Home Federal Bank in Knoxville. OK, so their business hours probably suit them just fine. But I have to take time off from work to get there. Think online banking is the answer? Wish it was... sadly, I've just completed the online banking application for the FOURTH TIME and have ZERO CONFIDENCE that anyone in that organization gives a rip and will make anything good happen at all. C'mon, they will help you with that. Sadly, HAHAHA!!! not on your life! They wouldn't help me with online banking set up in the branch office. They DENIED my online application TWICE!!! I called them after each denial and explained that I'm POA trying to set up online banking for my parents' accounts. They understood both times and suggested that I apply again (and again). After the THIRD APPLICATION, I heard crickets... nada... radio silence! So I called them a THIRD TIME... hmmm... we didn't get it. Can you submit it again? SURE!!!! I REALLY HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO AT ALL!!!! So, rather than see what's going on with the accounts from my computer, I am stuck repeatedly applying and taking time off from work to visit the bank to get paper printouts.I think I've changed my mind... rather than tax the HF IT department with ginning up another denial for me, how about you geniuses program in a negative 11 customer dissatisfaction rating button? Now that is something I'll press again and again and again.

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