Client Reviews on Batu Gajah Post Office

    • 2.0
  • 12 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

0 people found the following review helpful

By fatyn mysara Jul 17, 2019


Most helpful critical review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Md Azfar Jun 17, 2019



Good service


I have my item reaching the facility at 10am in the morning until 2pm same day still sitting inside without any updates from the system. Nvr pick up calls. Gosh.Updatesbeen waiting since morning until 530pm same day, not picking up a single call, my item sat there for 8 hours, without being processed even though I m living at 35 mins driving distance according to Google map, worst pos laju experience.


(Translated by Google) Lame is my stuff kt situ, at 10 o'clock in the morning(Original)Lame lah barang saya kt situ , dri pukul 10 pagi semalm smpai harini tk bawak pn


(Translated by Google) Good job helps (Original) Good job sgt membantu


They always peram 1 day before out for delivery the next day..theres no "post today tomorrow arrive" but "pos harini, esok kitorang peram dulu, lusa kot baru pos"...very sampah service liao


so slow!!


tiada mesra pelanggan bagi staff yang bertugas di kaunter, muka masam dan cakap dengan suara yang kasar


Staff sombong, buat kerja pun lambat


5 bintang hari pun mlm le kerja pun aje tidak je 8 x dapat barang hanya 2 x antor kat umah selebih nya nak kena angkut kat pejabat pos tggu van balik arini pun sama dpt brg tapi xdapat xyah no tracking buat sakit hati je tggu baik mcm zaman dulu xde no tracking tggu sampai 3 ari pun xpe janji x sakit hati nunggu barang tempat sekangkang kera pun malaih nak anto barua


Barang suka Peram lama2..kalau weekend Tu boleh Paham lagy..weekday pun xgerak2

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